



#1  Sacred geometries embody the number 240 as the 240 non-zero roots of E8.

#2   The Tree of Life basis of the 248 roots of E8 and the 1680 turns of a whorl.

#3   The superstring structural parameter 3360 embodied in the inner form of 10 Trees of Life.

#4   The first 6 polygons of the inner Tree of Life embody the number value 168 of Cholem Yesodoth.

#5   The faces of the 21 Platonic solids in the disdyakis triacontahedron have 1680 hexagonal yods.

#6   The Tree of Life & the seven separate polygons embody the Tree of Life parameter 251.

#7   The outer & inner Trees of Life embody the superstring structural parameter 251.

#8   Correspondence between the 1-tree & the first six polygons enfolded in 10 Trees of Life.

#9   The holistic nature of the Tree of Life parameter 251.

#10  How the number of Binah determines the form of the E8×E8 heterotic superstring.


#11  The octagon embodies the dimension 496 of the symmetry group E8×E8 governing interactions between E8×E8 heterotic superstrings.

#12  The first six enfolded polygons encode the numbers of Cholem & Yesodoth.

#13  A 10-pointed star constructed from 2nd-order tetractyses has 1680 yods.

#14  The first (6+6) enfolded polygons embody the superstring structural parameter 336.

#15  The heptagon & Tree of Life embody the superstring structural parameter 504.

#16  The pair of joined, Type C hexagons embody the (248+248) roots of the heterotic superstring gauge symmetry group E8×E8′.

#17  The two joined hexagons with 2nd-order tetractyses as sectors embody the superstring structural parameter 840.

#18  Embodiment of the superstring structural parameters 1680 & 3360 in the inner form of 10 overlapping Trees of Life.

#19  Embodiment of the 496 roots of E8×E8 in the five Platonic solids.

#20  How the first four Platonic solids embody the superstring structural parameter 1680.


#21  The disdyakis triacontahedron embodies the 5040 1st-order spirillae in the three major whorls of the UPA.

#22  The tetrahedron & octahedron embody, respectively, the dimension 248 of E8 & the dimension 496 of E8×E8.

#23  How five sacred geometries embody the (72+168) roots of E8.

#24  The inner Tree of Life encodes the ten Trees of Life mapping the ten dimensions of superstring space-time.

#25  The 248 yods in the 56 triangles-as-tetractyses in the {3,7} tessellation on the 3-torus of the 168 symmetries of the Klein quartic denote the 248 roots of E8.

#26  The Type B polygons in the inner form of ten Trees of Life embody the superstring structural parameter 1680.

#27  Correspondence between the encodings of E8×E8 in 10 Trees of Life & in the inner Tree of Life.

#28  How polygonal numbers and sacred geometries represent the superstring structural parameter 3360.

#29  The counterpart of the root composition of E8×E8 in the geometry of the combined outer & inner Trees of Life.

#30  The counterpart of the root composition of E8×E8 in the yod composition of the combined outer & inner Trees of Life.


#31  The five Platonic solids embody the root composition of the five exceptional Lie groups G2, F4, E6, E7 & E8.

#32  Yod composition of the Platonic solids.

#33  How sacred geometries embody the superstring structural parameter 1680.

#34  How sacred geometries embody the heterotic superstring symmetry groups E8 & E8×E8.

#35  The number 137 determining the fine-structure constant also determines the dimension 248 of E8.

#36  A 7-pointed star representation of the superstring structural parameter 16800.

#37  The 10 sets of 24 yods in the 1-tree correspond to the 10 whorls of the UPA/superstring along each of which 24 E8 gauge charges are spread.

#38  10-fold geometrical composition of the disdyakis triacontahedron.

#39  The first four Platonic solids embody the 496 roots of E8×E8′.

#40  Geometrical composition of the combined outer & inner Trees of Life reflects the root composition of E8×E8'.

 The first four enfolded polygons of the inner Tree of Life have 496 permutations of the rows of their 17 tetractys sectors.

#42  How some sacred geometries embody the 84:84 division in the superstring structural parameter 168.

#43  The dodecagonal connection between the superstring structural parameter 16800 and the 240 non-zero roots of E8.

#44  How YAH prescribes the 16800 turns of the 10 helical whorls in the UPA/E8×E8 heterotic superstring.

#45  The 421 polytope as the inner form of 10 overlapping Trees of Life.

#46  Inner Tree of Life basis of the 10 whorls of the ordinary matter superstring and the 5 whorls of the shadow matter superstring.

#47  Inner form of 10 Trees of Life with Type C polygons is the geometrical counterpart of the two 421 polytopes associated with E8×E8.

#48  How YAHWEH, ELOHIM, EL CHAI & ADONAI prescribe the inner form of 10 Trees of Life representing the 421 polytope.

#49  The first 7 orders of the first 10 types of polygonal numbers add up to the number of corners & sides in the 70 polygons of the inner form of 10 Trees of Life.

#50  The UPA and 421 polytope as the outer & inner forms of 10 overlapping Trees of Life.

#51  The Tetrad determines the numbers of vertices & edges of the 421 polytope representing the 240 roots of the exceptional Lie group E8.

#52  The outer and inner Tree of Life basis of E8 and E8×E8′.

#53  How the inner Tree of Life embodies the superstring structural parameter 176.

#54  E8×E8 conforms to the holistic division 384 = 192 + 192 embodied in sacred geometries such as the inner form of the Tree of Life.

#55  How the Godname EHYEH prescribes the 16800 helical turns of the UPA.

#56  How the hexagram determines the superstring structural parameter 336.
