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#11 Correspondence between the 1-tree and its inner form

Equivalence of 1-tree & inner Tree of Life

The 1-tree is the lowest of any set of overlapping Trees of Life. When its 19 triangles are tetractyses, it is made up of 80 yods, where 80 is the number value of Yesod, the penultimate Sephirah. They comprise the 35 red yods of the trunk of the Tree of Life:

and the 45 yods of its branches. These comprise the 35 blue yods of the branches of the Tree of Life and the 10 green yods added by the conversion of the latter into the 1-tree.

Compare this with the inner Tree of Life. Its 14 enfolded regular polygons have 94 sectors with 80 corners. Of these, 70 are corners of polygons and 10 green yods are their centres. The 70 corners consist of 35 red corners that are associated with one set of seven enfolded polygons and 35 blue corners that are associated with the other set.

The two halves of the inner Tree of Life correspond to the difference between the trunk and branches of the outer Tree of Life. The five polygons whose centres are not also corners of polygons are the triangle, square, pentagon, octagon & dodecagon. The 10 green centres of these two sets of five polygons correspond to the 10 green yods added by the conversion of the Tree of Life into the 1-tree.

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