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YAHWEH prescribes the yod population of the (7+5) enfolded polygons encoding CTOL


 Tree of Life nature of 12 enfolded polygons

The (7+7) enfolded polygons have 524 yods. The triangle has 19 yods, but ten of them belong also to the hexagon because it is a sector of the latter. Hence, removing the triangle only removes nine yods. The square has 25 yods, of which 21 are outside the root edge. Removing the triangle and square removes (9+21=30) yods. Hence, the 12 remaining enfolded polygons have (524–30=494) yods. This is the number of yods lining the 192 sides of the 96 tetractys sectors of all 14 separate polygons. The number of yods creating the form of the 12 polygons that encode CTOL is the same as the number of yods shaping all the sectors of the inner Tree of Life! The fact that it exhibits this parameter of holistic systems is evidence that the subset of 12 polygons, too, constitutes a holistic system. This, of course, is what one would expect, because these polygons encode CTOL.

The Pythagorean integers 1, 2, 3 & 4 express the number 494 as the sum of the first four powers of 1, 2, 3 & 4:

   11  21  31  41
   12  22  32  42
 494 =        
   13  23  33  43
   14  24  34  44

There are 490 (49×10) yods outside the root edge, 260 (=26×10) yods being in the set of seven enfolded polygons on one side of this edge and 230 yods belonging to the five polygons enfolded on the other side of it (see diagram above). This shows how EL CHAI, the Godname assigned to Yesod with number value 49, prescribes this set of polygons. As 494 = 26×19, where 26 is the number value of YAHWEH, the Godname of Chokmah, and 19 is the number of yods in a Type A triangle (see here), the number 494 has the representation shown below:

Triangular representation of 494

The sum of the nine red 26s on the sides of the outer triangle is 234, which is the number of yods in the last five enfolded polygons. The sum of the ten blue 26s inside the triangle is 260, which is the number of yods outside the root edge in the seven enfolded polygons on the other side. Ways in which other Godnames mathematically prescribe the holistic parameter 494 are discussed in Article 4 (Web, PDF).

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