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 Correspondence between 5 Platonic solids & inner Tree of Life

#3 The gematria number value of ELOHIM is 50

Both the inner Tree of Life and the set of five Platonic solids are mathematical wholes, i.e., analogous, holistic systems, because, together with the separate root edge (whose two ends count formally as corners), the seven separate, regular polygons in the former have 50 corners, whilst the five regular polyhedra have 50 vertices. This demonstrates how the gematria number value 50 of the Godname ELOHIM of Binah (Table 1), the Sephirah that expresses in skeletal outline the formative aspect of the Tree of Life and all its sacred-geometrical counterparts, measures the form of the inner Tree of Life and its regular polyhedral counterpart. Standards works on gematria* list the number of ELOHIM as 86 because their authors follow blindly the rule that the gematria number value of a Hebrew word is always the sum of its letter values, even when it contains one of the five final letters, as in the case of ELOHIM. Generally speaking, this is, indeed, the case. However, being a Godname, ELOHIM is a highly significant exception because the value 40 of the letter mem has to be further contracted to 4. This error has been repeated over many generations by students of gematria because they have not known that the number values of the Sephiroth, their Godnames, etc have a geometrical basis that is determined by the tetractys. So they have had no way of realizing that the gematria number value of the Hebrew word "ELOHIM" (אלהים) has to be calculated by permitting the possibility of this contraction in order to be consistent with what the underlying geometry reveals. For those who may be still sceptical about the need for this, "the proof of the pudding is in its eating" and they need to eat much of it before hastily rejecting the possibility. Over 20 years of research by the author have confirmed that the number value of ELOHIM really is 50 and not 86. Indeed, the case of the five regular polyhedra is a remarkable illustration of the mathematical archetype embodied in this Godname at work in quantifying their forms (and — no — this is not a circular argument, for the author's claim that the correct number is 50 is based upon not solely this particular connotation vis-à-vis the Platonic solids but numerous other cases where the archetypal number manifests in the global, mathematical properties of holistic systems, e.g., the 50 corners of the seven separate polygons and the root edge, the 50 yods per overlapping Tree of Life when all the triangles in the Trees become tetractyses, the 50 corners of the first (6+6) enfolded polygons, etc). Other examples are discussed in the PDF entitled "Mathematical meanings of the Names of God (Part 1)" (download here).

* For example, Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia, 3rd ed. (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 1999), p. 99.

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