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 26 corners of 9 primary triangles are corners of 42 triangles

The five blue, downward-pointing "Shakti" triangles and the four red, upward-pointing "Shiva" triangles generate the Sri Yantra. Only one of their 27 corners is not also a corner of any of the 42 triangles surrounding the central one that are generated by the nine primary triangles. This is the lowest corner of the uppermost blue triangle (it is shown without a blue dot). It is surrounded by 26 corners of the nine parent triangles. The 42 triangles in the 3-dimensional Sri Yantra are arranged in layers of eight, ten, ten & 14 triangles. They have 84 corners made up of 26 corners of the nine original triangles and 58 new corners created by the overlapping of their sides. This demonstrates how YAHWEH, the Godname of Chokmah with number value 26, which represents the creative power of God, prescribes those basic points in space that mark out the 42 triangles of the Sri Yantra surrounding its central one. 

If the primary triangles are imagined to collapse onto one another in a single sheet, the 26 original corners remain corners of triangles in the resulting 2-dimensional Sri Yantra.





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